Valmer & Panache

VALMER was conceived, and awarded funding, in parallel with the PANACHE project (Protected Area Network Across the CHannel Ecosystem). The two projects share several partners, including AAMP who are leading on PANACHE, and are combining resources wherever possible. PANACHE aims to provide better protection of the Channel marine environment through the networking of existing marine protected areas.

Its objectives are:

  • Assess the existing marine protected areas network for its ecological coherence.
  • Share knowledge on monitoring techniques and positive experiences.
  • Build greater coherence and foster dialogue for better management of marine protected areas.
  • Increase general awareness of marine protected area by building common ownership and stewardship, through engagement in joint citizen science programmes.
  • Develop a public GIS database.

VALMER and PANACHE present complementary objectives that should lead to a better understanding of the Channel marine ecosystem, and to its more sustainable use.

To find out more about the PANACHE project please visit