
Lead Partner Plymouth University

Plymouth University (Lead Partner)

Plymouth University’s Marine Institute is one of the largest in Europe, and has a broad range of expertise in marine research and education. Within the Marine Institute is the Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy Research (MarCoPol). The aim of MarCoPol is to provide a sound scientific, social, legal and economic basis for improved policy for the management, sustainable use and protection of the marine and coastal environment. Website:

Agence des Aires Marines Protégées (French Marine Protected Areas Agency)

Agence des Aires Marines Protégées (French Marine Protected Areas Agency)

The Marine Protected Areas Agency is a French governmental public administration. It supports public policy in the field of marine protected areas, both concerning their creation and management, and manages the human and financial resources dedicated to marine nature parks (one type of marine protected area). Website:

Cornwall Council

Cornwall Council

Cornwall Council is a unitary authority, created on 1 April 2009 by merging Cornwall County Council and the six borough and district councils in Cornwall. In May 2012, the Council adopted its first dedicated Maritime Strategy, which will be used to integrate maritime issues into Council policy and strategy and guiding the development of programmes across its operations. It sits alongside and is linked to the Core Strategy, Local transport Plan, Economic Strategy, Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan and others and as an adopted strategy it is material consideration for planning matters. Website:   and

Dorset County Council

Dorset County Council / Dorset Coast Forum

Dorset County Council is the local elected administrative body governing the county, and hosts the Dorset Coast Forum (DCF). DCF is a strategic coastal partnership, established in 1995 to look at the long-term broad-scale issues facing the Dorset coast and its inshore waters. The overriding aim of the Forum is to promote a sustainable approach to the management, use and development of Dorset’s coastal zone, which will ensure that its inherent natural and cultural qualities are maintained and enhanced for the benefit of future generations. It has over 260 member organisations (equating to approximately 650 individual members) from the fishing, commercial, environmental, recreational, historical and tourism sectors who have expertise, local knowledge and a deep understanding of Dorset’s coast and its inshore waters. Website: and


The Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer (French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea) is a French oceanographic institution, with 26 sites around France and its territorial waters. The 5 main centres are located in Boulogne, Brest, Nantes, Toulon and Tahiti. IFREMER is a broadly integrated marine research institute, which includes research in underwater technologies, biodiversity, fisheries science and aquaculture, coastal environments, mineral resources, biotechnologies and operational oceanography. Website:

Devon County Council / Devon Maritime Forum

Devon County Council is the local elected administrative body governing the county, and hosts the Devon Maritime Forum which is an independent coastal partnership with more than 750 marine stakeholders around the county of Devon. The DMF works to promote the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in Devon and adjoining regions. The partnership was formed in 2005 from a core group of organisations who value an integrated ecosystem-based approach to marine management. Website: and

Marine Biological Association of the UK

The Marine Biological Association (MBA) of the UK is a charitable research organisation working to ‘promote scientific research into all aspects of life in the sea, including the environment on which it depends, and to disseminate to the public the knowledge gained’. The MBA developed DASSH (the Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data), which is the UK Marine Data Archive Centre for benthic survey data of both species and habitats. DASSH provides digital archive facilities for benthic datasets and a digital repository for benthic images and video. Website: and

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Plymouth Marine Laboratory undertakes leading international research to respond to societal needs and to promote stewardship of the world ocean. PML’s science is concerned with: increasing knowledge and understanding of the marine environment and designing tools and evidence based solutions for its practical management. PML provides capability for observing, modelling, understanding and forecasting marine ecosystems. Website:

Syndicat Intercommunal d’Aménagement du Golfe du Morbihan (SIAGM)

SIAGM was created in 1964 to develop tourism in the Gulf of Morbihan. The organisation includes 34 municipalities which border the Gulf. Since 1994 the SIAGM has evolved into a local development organisation seeking to manage and sustainably develop the Gulf. Website:

Université de Bretagne Occidentale – Brest/ AMURE-UMR

AMURE-UMR is a joint research unit (unité mixte de recherche: UMR) of the Maritime Economics Department of IFREMER and the Centre for Maritime Law and Economics of the Université de Bretagne Occidentale. Established in 2008, the main purpose of AMURE is to provide economic and legal analyses of public policies concerning maritime activities and the use of marine and coastal space. Website:

Station Biologique de Roscoff – Université Pierre et Marie Curie

The Station Biologique de Roscoff is a French marine biology and oceanography research and teaching centre, founded in 1872. The centre is an affiliation of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) based in Paris. Website:

South West Water (Funding Partner)

South West Water is part of Pennon Group plc. and provides reliable, efficient and high quality drinking water and waste water services throughout Cornwall and Devon and in small areas of Dorset and Somerset.  South West Water came into being in 1989 with the privatisation of the water industry.  It inherited a water system suffering from a century of neglect but, thanks to the tireless work of its 1,300 employees it has brought the region’s drinking water, sewerage systems and bathing waters into line with the stringent UK and European Union standards.  Website:

Marine Management Organisation (Funding Partner)

The MMO is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.   It is responsible for licensing, regulating and planning marine activities in the seas around England and Wales so that they’re carried out in a sustainable way.  Website: